In the name of philanthropy


Wikipedia defines philanthropy as consisting of, “private initiatives, for the public good, focusing on quality of life”. By very definition, private initiatives would have a subjective standpoint. So does that mean that philanthropy can give a slant on investment, enabling private initiatives to progress personal ideologies?

Key Points & Evidence

On Existential Mystery and Robber Barons Masked as People's Reformers', Tessa Lena, 4 October 2021.

Reflecting on her upbringing in Soviet Russia, Tessa Lena writes in light of Antony Sutton's account of wealthy Western capitalist financing and military support of the Bolshevik coup,

"But at the very least, Sutton’s interpretation makes far more logical sense than the story I learned as a child—and... if Sutton is correct, then it was the subjective desire of a number of wealthy and ambitious human beings—the desire to play with a “large super monopoly / captive market / planned economy” arrangement— that allowed the Bolsheviks to pull the experiment through.

"(Besides, if it is respectable to talk about isms and not respectable to talk about conspiracies, conspiracies are easy to hide.)"


China, Wall Street and the New Global Economy, Whitney Webb and James Corbett, October 2021, discuss Corbett's 2015 piece, 'China and the New World Order', looking at 'thought reorientation' and how Western capitalist influence created Communist China, from 41 mins.

"Why? You won't find this in the text books. Why is to bring about a plan to control world society in which you and I won't find the freedoms to believe and think and do as we believe, which is it in a nutshell. It isn't extremely difficult to wrap your head around this unless you have been indoctrinated your entire life, like we all have, to believe in the nation state game that is being played and believe that is the full totality of what is happening."


Dr Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Ghent University, talking with Aubrey Marcus, 20 October 2021.

Six months into the coronavirus pandemic, Desmet realised the concensus narrative distributed through the mass media, indicating an object of anxiety and providing a strategy to deal with that anxiety, was what he has been teaching the last four years.

"It doesn't have to make sense - before the pandemic there was a psychological crisis, so many (especially those who worked for government or corporations) experienced their jobs as senseless and so many were on anti-depressants. Coronavirus has given people a sense of purpose and they will turn on anyone who is sending them back to the painful pre-pandemic state."

Four things were present in society before 2020: lack of social bond, lack of sense of life, free floating anxiety - a painful psychological experience, where one looks for something to connect with to understand the pain - and free floating psychological discontent. These conditions put society at high risk of mass formation or mental intoxication. The ones questioning are not very agreeable.

At times of mass formation, most important is to keep voicing questions audibly.


'We're sleepwalking into disaster', Lord David Puttnam, film-maker and Labour peer, 27 October 2021.

"In the Shirley Williams Lecture, Lord Puttnam sent out a heartfelt plea to the UK, to “wake up” or risk sleepwalking into “self-inflicted disaster”. He pointed to the raft of legislation currently sailing through parliament – a series of bills which have the potential to undermine the judiciary, the Electoral Commission, the media and our right to protest."


Physicist and veteran activist, Dr Vandana Shiva, 4 August 2021, cites the very real example of Indian farming.

Rehabilitating a sorely tarnished image through "the appearance of philanthropy, what he's doing is giving tiny bits of money to very vital institutions. But with those bits of money, they attract government money, which was running those institutions. Now, because of his clout, he is taking control of the agenda of these institutions. In the meantime, he's pushing patenting, be it on drugs, vaccines or on seeds.”



The world’s richest men are philanthropists, giving money “for the public good, focusing on quality of life.” But philanthropy is a vague, undefined term. Everyone has a different view. If you give money with conditions attached, is this not a business plan?