What is the real risk from Covid-19?


What is the true risk of dying from Covid rather than “within 28 days of a positive Drosten-PCR test result”?

In the UK, NHS figures rate the risk of death from COVID-19 as 0.009% for anyone under the age of 59. Recovery in all age groups, even without known treatments is 99.94%, and 99.96% for anyone under age 75.

COVID-19 deaths represent just 0.038% of all deaths globally.

The UK HART Group says, “the constant portrayal of COVID-19 as a threat has caused distortion in people’s perception of their risk. The risks of dying are dependent on age and comorbidities. A study published in August 2020 estimated an overall infection fatality rate in Western Europe to be over 1% but Professor Neil Ferguson considers it more like 0.8% and WHO substantially lower.”

Key Points & Evidence

WHO Bulletin, 14 October 2020, Professor John Ioannidis of Stanford University quotes a COVID-19 infection fatality rate (IFR) of between 0.00 and 0.57%, or 0.05% for under 70s, far lower than originally feared and no different to severe flu.

Read more...who.int

"Mortality risk from COVID-19", HART Group, 22 April 2021.

Read more...hartgroup.org

"Overestimation of the Public Health Risk of SARS CoV 2", UK Medical Freedom Alliance.
"We have the data to show excess deaths from all causes. Excess deaths is an ideal measure of the effect of a pandemic virus in a population because, as is the case with SARS-CoV2, where the vast majority of deaths attributed to this virus or the disease COVID-19 could also have been attributed to comorbidities such as heart disease, COPD, cancer,"

Read more...tacinterconnections.com

UK ONS data:
Shows average age of death from COVID-19 is 82 (a year over the average age of all-cause death).

US CDC data:
Reveals recovery rates from COVID-19 as 0-19: 99.997%, 20-49: 99.98%, 50-69: 99.5%, 70+: 94.6%.

Read more...ons.gov.uk


Since 2020, SARS-CoV-2  has no longer been listed as a High-Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID). It was downgraded in March 2020 before the first lockdown.

For a healthy 35-year-old woman, the chance of dying from COVID-19 is less than the fatality risk of a general anaesthetic for a 55-year-old man with co-morbidities and less than the risk of an average 55-64 year old dying of any cause this year.

For a healthy 75-year-old woman, the chance of dying from COVID-19 is less than the risk of being injured in a car accident each year.

For an 85 year old man with co-morbidities, the chance of surviving COVID-19 is less than the risk of living for one year in a care home.

Posted: 29th June 2021

Tagged: Coronavirus, Covid 19, Covid Risk, Death Rate

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